My rating: 5 of 5 stars
At first glance this is another historical, spanking, ageplay story which I enjoy reading and was looking forward to reading this one as well. But this story turned out to be so much more. There are many elements common for this genre but there are also lots of surprises and twists in the story.
I don't want to give too much away because the surprises are so much fun to discover. But one big difference in this story than others in the Sophie's strength. She is fallen into despite times but she always moves forward with her eyes open and understanding that action have consequences. She has seen and experienced much more than the average woman which makes her unique. She is also shrewd and while she would love to have love she is also smart enough about life to know that sometimes you need to be practical as well.
Crispin's character is interesting because he is trying so hard to be the stand-off is gentleman he feels he was raised to be. We are as reader allowed to see his confusion about his own feelings.
This was a heartwarming tale that leaves you with enough surprises to make you want to read the story quickly to see what is going to happen next. A very enjoyable reading experience.
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